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Washingtonian Top Financial Advisor 2025

Feb 24, 2025 | Awards

SageVest Wealth Management is proud to announce that Jennifer Myers, CFP®, has been recognized by Washingtonian Magazine as a Top Financial Advisor for 2025.  This is the ninth time Jennifer has received this prestigious honor in addition to earning a place in the Washingtonian’s Top Wealth Adviser Hall of Fame.

Jennifer founded SageVest Wealth Management to deliver the caliber of services you deserve on a highly personalized basis.  SageVest assists clients with all aspects of their finances, including investment management, retirement planning, charitable giving, tax optimization, and legacy planning.  Our goal is to elevate your wealth, knowledge, and financial potential.

SageVest distinguishes itself by serving as your lead financial strategist.  We bring all of the facets of your financial life together under one cohesive roof.  We pride ourselves in being highly proactive in securing opportunities.  Furthermore, our fee-only fiduciary role ensures that we always place your best interests first.

As a client of our firm, you are known well and your goals are paramount.  Our dedicated team offers the depth of knowledge you need to achieve sophisticated results.  We collaborate with you, keep you informed, and guide you to achieve your aspirations.

Whether you’re retired, accumulating wealth, running a business, or trying to launch the next generation, we are here for you. Please contact us to find out how we can help you achieve financial success.

Award Disclosures

Prepared by SageVest Wealth Management. Copyright .
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The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. This article is for informational purposes only. The views expressed are those of SageVest Wealth Management and should not be construed as investment advice. All expressions of opinions are subject to change and past performance is no guarantee of future results. SageVest Wealth Management does not render legal, tax, or accounting services. Accordingly, you, your attorneys and your accountants are ultimately responsible for determining the legal, tax and accounting consequences of any suggestions offered herein.

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