One of the earliest steps to teaching your kids about finances is talking to them about money. Whether it’s teaching your toddler about different coins, helping your tween open their first bank account, or discussing...
The Sandwich Generation
If you’re ‘sandwiched’ between raising children and looking after aging parents, then you’re officially a member of the Sandwich Generation. Roughly half of people in their 40s to 60s face the challenge of supporting...
National Family Wellness Month
May marks #National Family Wellness Month, a time to focus on health and well-being together by getting active after the long winter, eating right, and thinking positive. As a top-ranked investment and wealth manager...
How Tax Reform Affects Your Alimony
Alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, is typically paid by the higher earning spouse following divorce. While some states still award lifetime alimony, it’s barred in others, so today, most alimony is...
Women’s Financial Achievements, Today And Looking Ahead
March is Women’s History Month, making it a perfect time to highlight women’s many achievements since women first gained the right to vote, less than one hundred years ago. Today, women comprise 47% of the workforce,...
Healthy Financial Parenting And Managing Parental Differences
One of the most fundamental aspects of teaching your kids about financial literacy is being a strong money role model. Healthy financial parenting starts with understanding your own approach to money, and, if you’re...
Financial Tips For Relationships Later In Life
Entering a new romantic relationship at any age brings excitement, possibilities, and energy. It also entails considerations of compatibility on a multitude of levels, including financially. Getting together on the...
Financial Planning Tips For Parents
For many individuals, one of the most rewarding and challenging journeys in life involves being a parent. Beyond the daily essentials like love, good food, toys, and more that your child will need to learn and grow,...
5 Money Tips For Women
As women’s roles expand in our workforce, our communities, and our family networks, so too do their responsibilities. Women are increasingly independent, personally and financially, often supporting both themselves and...
Adoption: What To Expect Practically, Financially, And More
November is National Adoption Awareness Month. If you’re pursuing adoption, perhaps your journey is due to fertility issues, being single or part of a same-sex couple, or simply a fundamental desire to provide a loving...
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