Everyone’s vison of an ideal retirement differs in the details, but common goals include a comfortable standard of living, good health, and meaningful experiences with family and friends, travel, and more. SageVest...
How Long You’ll Live In Retirement
If you shake your head and laugh at the thought of living to 100 or older, it’s time to reconsider how long you’ll live in retirement. According to the Social Security Administration, almost a quarter of all 65-year...
6 Ways To Help With Your Grandkid’s College Costs
It seems like one minute you’re proudly holding your new grandchild in your arms, and the next they’re heading off to college. As the College Board’s annual report, ‘Trends In College Pricing’ highlights, that college...
Financial Planning Tips As You Near Retirement
Retirement is one of the most significant events in your life. It also makes it one of the most critical financial planning decisions. A solid retirement plan provides financial and psychological assurance. Careful...
How To Invest Based On Your Age
With markets at record highs, now’s a great time to re-evaluate your investment portfolio and consider what opportunities may be appropriate, relative to your current and future lifestyle, and longer term investment...
Warning: Annuity Sales Could Be On The Rise
The outlook for annuities was dim in 2017. Now that the Department of Labor (DOL)’s fiduciary rule has, at a minimum, been postponed, annuity sales could be on the rise, as commission-based agents have the ability to...
National Family Wellness Month
May marks #National Family Wellness Month, a time to focus on health and well-being together by getting active after the long winter, eating right, and thinking positive. As a top-ranked investment and wealth manager...
Top 10 Retirement Myths
You’ve probably heard some retirement myths, or read them online. While quick-fix retirement myths can be tempting, it’s important to evaluate their accuracy relative to your personal finances. Furthermore, many...
How to Find the Best Financial Advisor for You
Whether it’s a New Year's resolution, life event, or simply recognition that your finances require attention, hiring a financial advisor is a great idea, wealth-wise. But how do you find the best financial advisor for...
How To Know If You Can Afford A Retirement Community
There’s a lot to consider if you’re thinking about moving into a retirement community. While they offer an abundance of resources that you can’t replicate at home, retirement communities typically don’t come cheap. One...
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