SageVest Wealth Management’s latest quarterly commentary is now available. Highlights include: - The first quarter proved to be one of the strongest in history, following on the heels of a challenging 2018. - Trade...
Market Volatility Moving Into 2019
SageVest Wealth Management’s latest quarterly commentary is now available. Highlights include: - World stock markets embark on a roller coaster ride, posting significant losses by year-end.significant losses by...
How To Invest Amidst Volatility In The Markets
Volatility certainly surfaced in the markets over the past several weeks. Numerous stock markets around the world entered correction territory, marked by a 10 percent decline or more, all within a period of a few short...
Historic Highs Amid Trade Tariffs
SageVest Wealth Management's latest quarterly commentary is now available. Highlights include: - U.S. stock markets achieve new highs and milestones, making it a remarkable quarter. - Bonds and international stocks lag...
The Return Of Yield On Cash, Finally!
It’s been almost a decade of watching cash yields hover at zero percent or just above. In fact, investors have been searching for yield on cash balances for so long that you may have forgotten to look by now, assuming...
Trade Tensions Weigh On Investment Outlook
SageVest Wealth Management's most recent quarterly investment commentary is now available, reviewing the second quarter of 2018. Highlights include: - Second quarter returns remained fairly anemic. - The economy and...
Bonds Versus CDs In A Rising Interest Rate Environment
Bond prices and bond investment returns have recently fallen under pressure as interest rates have been rising. As such, some investors are turning to CDs for a guaranteed rate of return in the wake of modest dilution...
A Volatile Start To The Year
SageVest Wealth Management's quarterly commentary is now available, reviewing the first quarter of 2018. Highlights include: - Market volatility unleashed in the first quarter. - Fears of inflation, trade wars and the...
5 Key Considerations On The Bull Market’s Ninth Anniversary
It’s time to wish a joyous ‘Happy Birthday’ to the second longest bull market in history! March 9, 2018, marks nine years of prosperity for the stock markets, following the depths of the Great Recession in 2008. If...
How To Invest At Market Highs Now The Dow’s Above 26,000
The Dow Jones Industrial Average recently crossed a record-breaking 26,000, with other indices also hitting record highs. If you’ve been invested in stocks, you’re likely celebrating and considering if it’s time to...
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