May marks #National Family Wellness Month, a time to focus on health and well-being together by getting active after the long winter, eating right, and thinking positive. As a top-ranked investment and wealth manager...
Discussing Family Finances: Talking With Adult Children
Thoughtful and open discussions about money are a vital, yet often overlooked, aspect of your financial planning. Talking about money with loved ones can fulfill a variety of purposes, depending on who you’re talking...
Giving Your Kids An Allowance
Giving your kids an allowance is a vital part of their financial education. It's an early step towards financial independence, and can teach them basic budgeting, sensible saving, and wise spending. There's a lot to...
How Tax Reform Affects Your Alimony
Alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, is typically paid by the higher earning spouse following divorce. While some states still award lifetime alimony, it’s barred in others, so today, most alimony is...
A Step-By-Step Guide To Financial Literacy For Kids
If you want your kids to develop a healthy relationship with money, including sensible saving and spending habits, there’s a lot for them to learn. It all starts at home, with you, and with April marking Financial...
A Volatile Start To The Year
SageVest Wealth Management's quarterly commentary is now available, reviewing the first quarter of 2018. Highlights include: - Market volatility unleashed in the first quarter. - Fears of inflation, trade wars and the...
Teaching Your Kids About Money Before College
Preparing to send your teen off to college can be an exciting, busy and stressful time. There’s a lot to plan for, with little time remaining. Hopefully you’ve had many years of teaching your kids about money before...
The Decision To Rent Or Buy A Home
The decision to rent or buy a home has always been a significant financial consideration. However, whether to rent or buy is a particularly hot topic right now, given a booming real estate market, new mortgage interest...
5 Key Considerations On The Bull Market’s Ninth Anniversary
It’s time to wish a joyous ‘Happy Birthday’ to the second longest bull market in history! March 9, 2018, marks nine years of prosperity for the stock markets, following the depths of the Great Recession in 2008. If...
Women’s Financial Achievements, Today And Looking Ahead
March is Women’s History Month, making it a perfect time to highlight women’s many achievements since women first gained the right to vote, less than one hundred years ago. Today, women comprise 47% of the workforce,...
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