It’s been almost a decade of watching cash yields hover at zero percent or just above. In fact, investors have been searching for yield on cash balances for so long that you may have forgotten to look by now, assuming...
5 Ways To Simplify Your Finances
In today’s busy world, life can involve juggling family, career, and more on a daily basis. Your wealth should be a resource in support of your full lifestyle. However, limited time, financial complexity, or other...
The Sandwich Generation
If you’re ‘sandwiched’ between raising children and looking after aging parents, then you’re officially a member of the Sandwich Generation. Roughly half of people in their 40s to 60s face the challenge of supporting...
When And How To Teach Your Kids About Investing
Money’s an essential resource for life success. It’s also a broad and complex topic. If you’re a parent, committed to providing your kids with a sound financial education, teaching your child about money needs to begin...
Trade Tensions Weigh On Investment Outlook
SageVest Wealth Management's most recent quarterly investment commentary is now available, reviewing the second quarter of 2018. Highlights include: - Second quarter returns remained fairly anemic. - The economy and...
Affordable Summer Activities For Kids
Summer is approaching. That means warmer weather and, for parents of school-age kids, summer expenses. From summer camp and family vacations, to play dates and pool time, the costs associated with keeping your kids...
Warning: Annuity Sales Could Be On The Rise
The outlook for annuities was dim in 2017. Now that the Department of Labor (DOL)’s fiduciary rule has, at a minimum, been postponed, annuity sales could be on the rise, as commission-based agents have the ability to...
Bonds Versus CDs In A Rising Interest Rate Environment
Bond prices and bond investment returns have recently fallen under pressure as interest rates have been rising. As such, some investors are turning to CDs for a guaranteed rate of return in the wake of modest dilution...
Inspiring Self-Esteem For Teens
Learning to drive, getting a job, heading to college: these are just some of the new life challenges your teen will face as they become young adults. Having positive self-esteem helps empower them to act responsibly,...
Finding The Perfect Summer Job Or Internship
Often, a combination of schoolwork and extra-curricular activities can make it challenging for your kids to work during the school year. However, as summer approaches, now’s a perfect time for your teen and/or college...
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